Monday, June 30, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Here's my philosophy on article marketing: The purpose of an article is to generate traffic. And it's very probable that more than half the visitors to an article don't even read it (though I hope you're not one of them!). Quality of your articles is important, and so is the quantity with which you write them and submit them!

When people click through on your articles, most will just click through to your site link in your resource box, decide to buy or optin or whatever it is, or just click away from your article. A very small percentage will even read your article. Maybe 1 in 10. That's 10 readers for every 100 visitors. And the title of an article is just as important than the content. You should be spending plenty of time crafting out a quality title.

I'd rather produce a good informative article that gets the point across than try to produce an article that will take hours to write. Some people have minds that race, and others can get in 30-50 words a minute. Some people have both. That's a lethal concoction for article marketing. If you can type very quickly and are already well versed in the topic, then you can crank out a 250-300 words article in 10 to 15 minutes without doing any research.

Most people write articles and when you read them, it reads like a textbook. You'd want to be conversational in your articles. Think about the most entertaining books you have read; more likely than not, the tone of the book was conversational. It was as if the author was sitting in a caf with you and having a lively discussion. That's how you want to write your articles!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


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