Friday, June 27, 2008

What Are The BEST Free Website Promotion Tools?

At this very minute you're actually looking at the best free website promotion tools available. It's articles.

Writing articles is a brilliant FREE way to attract highly targeted visitors to your site. It is also a great way to gain high Page Ranked backlinks, which the search engines love and need to see in order for you to one day get Page Rank yourself.

To me, free website promotion tools should obviously cost nothing, but unlike other marketing methods that come with no price tag, article writing and article marketing (done perfectly) is a tremendously EFFECTIVE way of doing business.

Think about it. You write an article. Free.

You send it to article directories. Free.

It being in those article directories gets you one way back links. Free.

And your article has the potential to be picked up by webmasters across the globe and put into their ezines and possibly shown to an audience of millions. Free.

All this with free website promotion tools THAT work like crazy.

Now in your quest to find the FULL list of these free website promotion tools, you will be tempted by many other marketing options. By all means check each and every one of them out. (But only the free ones!) Give yourself some time to see what works and what doesn't. As you're doing so...write one article. One. And submit it here.

By writing that one article, and by making sure you put your keyword in the title. And by making sure you also put that keyword in the article two times or three times (no more than that) your little 250 words article will get you a GUARANTEED HIGH PR BACK LINK...for free and has the POTENTIAL of bringing you a huge audience...for free.

My overall opinion is this: you have to put articles into your free website promotion tools toolbox! You just have to!

To learn exactly how you can harness the awesome power of article marketing, visit

And if you'd like to read the reviews of the internet programs that have allowed me to work online FULL TIME from home, visit


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