Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a great way to impart your knowledge to your readers and earn quality inbound links for your website. It is the most favorite marketing tool of millions of marketers worldwide because it is cost-effective, hassle-free, and it really works!

Here are the 5 no-brainer steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer unique content. Copying somebody else's work and claiming it your own is deadly to your marketing techniques. This can result to penalties from major search engines and this will surely make you lose the trust of your potential clients. Strive to give your readers unique content by putting your ideas into writing using your own words.

2. Write and submit more articles. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. If you want to earn more quality inbound links for your website and further strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to multiply the number of your submission.

3. Use striking titles. This is the first step to get online users to read your content. Make your titles keyword-rich, attention-grabbing, intriguing, and thought-provoking by incorporating humor, emotion, fear, and exaggeration.

4. Your articles must be interesting to read. You must be able to put your readers at ease when they read your content. They must also feel delighted that they are spending their precious time reading your articles. You can do so by offering your information in a very light and easy to understand manner.

5. Offer valuable information. To make your articles worth reading, give your readers what they truly want - useful and valuable content. Fill your articles with information that they will find helpful in their current situation or will provide answers to their burning questions. This is the key to compel them to click on your resource box and check out your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Opportunity #1: The Importance of Link Building Link building is by far the single most important SEO tactic that can be applied to increase search engine rankings. A Web site could have the exact same content posted as its top competitors site, with the only difference being the number of in-bound links that Google has indexed for the two sites. For instance, an in-bound link is a link to your Web site that is located on someone elses Web site.

For the sake of this example, lets assume that Google has indexed 100 in-bound links to your Web site and 500 links for your top competitor. Despite the content being identical, Google will rank your competitors Web site higher, and potentially significantly higher, based on this critical measure of site popularity.

We used Google for this example because approximately 41 percent of all Web searches take place on Google. This is a staggering number. Googles nearest competitor is Yahoo with 28 percent market share and MSN is a distant third with 9 percent.

To find the number of in-bound links to a Web site, go to and enter into the search field and click Search.

Opportunity #2: The Power of Page Titles How many times have you visited a Web site and the Page Title (the white text within the blue bar found in the upper-left corner of your browser window) reads Home, some variation of the company name, or maybe a generic header for the content section just entered, such as Products? This is a significant missed opportunity, and heres why.

Google uses the Page Title within a Web sites code to develop and display its search results. For example, the links representing each of the sites within Googles search results are pulled directly from the Page Titles of the various sites. Figure 1 shows the results of a search for the keywords Kohler wholesale on Google. An AVS Group client is displayed as the number 2 ranked Web site out of 834,000 competing Web sites. The Page Title within the sites code is Discount Faucets | Discount Kitchen Sinks | Discount Toilets. Google pulls this information from the Page Title to create its search results.

Opportunity #3: Use Specific and Relevant Keywords We consistently find Web sites that use a blog of generic or very broad keywords within the META keywords section of the sites code. A long list of keywords does not provide value because search engines look for connections between the keywords and the content on the page. With too many keywords, there can be little or no connection between the content and the keywords.

You and/or your subject matter experts likely invested significant time and effort to develop quality content. Not taking the necessary time to develop some keywords specific and relevant to each page of content is a missed opportunity.

Opportunity #4: Use Indexable Search-Engine-Friendly Content One of the current Web design trends focuses on achieving more with less by basing the site design around a generous amount of white space, combined with less text and/or content. This design style results in a Web site that looks clean, sophisticated, and high-tech savvy. The Home Page is a great example of this style.

However, from a search engine optimization perspective, this design style limits a sites optimization potential because the amount of high-quality, text-based content within a site is one of the measures search engines use to establish the value of a Web site. Search engines cannot index white space. On the other hand, Web sites that are full of text with little style may appeal to search engines but not to your target audience. As is the case with most things, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective between design and informative text-based content.

Again, is a good example. The sites Home Page is clean and uses an abundance of white space, fine lines, and high-quality images. If a visitor clicks into the Education section, the text-based content becomes rich and plentiful.

Consider it an excellent opportunity to design your Home Page to create the right first impression with your target audience, by communicating your Brand Story and then providing visitors and search engines all of the indexable content they need within the site.

Opportunity #5: Build a Site Map Search engines can only index content that is properly linked through a sites navigation or anchor text links appearing within content. A properly formatted site map essentially directs search engines where to go within a site, making the process of indexing site content more efficient. Because of this, the site map is literally one of the most important pages of content on a Web site.

A good guideline to follow is to keep the site map to approximately 100 links or less so that it is fast and efficient for search engines to index. If a site map grows beyond 100 links, consider breaking it up over multiple pages. For best results, include a link to the site map as a footer link so that it can be found throughout every page of the site.

In closing, this article highlighted five top opportunities that can deliver great search engine results. Ultimately, effective Search Engine Optimization is more complex than just these five topics. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about SEO. Our team of experts will provide you with a free SEO report and Web site analysis.

The AVS Group has designed, developed, and optimized Web sites since the beginning of the commercial Internet over a decade ago. During this time, our experts developed a proven and powerful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) model. This SEO article shares advice from our SEO experts regarding what they consider to be the top five opportunities that companies should take advantage of when building an optimized Web presence. As an additional reference, we encourage you to also review an earlier AVS Group article entitled Three Steps to Improved Search Engine Rankings.

The AVS Group is a marketing, training, and communications company. AVS is in La Crosse, Wisconsin. AVS helps clients communicate and market effectively. AVS can be found online at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is the first time I've written an article with the strategies in 3 parts over the course of several weeks. I hope all of you enjoyed part 1 and had an opportunity to implement at least one marketing action step over the last few weeks. Did you know if you really want to grow your business you must consistently take 3 action steps a week?

Remember, it's a jungle out there; you're all surrounded by the enemy vying for the same bounty. The enemy is trying to steal your business or better yet, make sure no new business comes your way. These enemies are disguised as other real estate professionals, the very ones who greet you at conventions with a smile and ask about business. They stand waiting for you to get turned down for business and then swoop down for the kill.

These enemies thrive on competition. These guys are out to get you and get you good. But, there is good news - by implementing a marketing program you can beat your enemies at their own game! All you need is a solid, marketing program consisting of approximately 10 of the Marketing Weapons listed below (part 3 of the list will appear in the next issue of my newsletter).

Just make yourself a marketing calendar (a marketing calendar is simply a document that lists your marketing weapons and shows when and how often they will be implemented) through the end of year. Make sure this marketing calendar lists your marketing weapons, the action step(s) required for each one, date(s) when this will happen, and then a place to record the results. You need to know which marketing weapons work and which don't.

10. Effective Use of Voicemail

Leave clear, precise and to-the-point voice mail messages. For example, if you have a space you are marketing, state the exact location and request a callback with any interest the prospect may have. Or, if you're calling to confirm a meeting, state that. This eliminates guesswork and allows the recipient a chance to answer the question in the event that you are unavailable when they call. Also, when leaving your callback number please do not mumble or speak slowly. State the number twice. And finally, note that leaving a precise message increases your odds of a callback.

11. Provide Outrageously Good Client Service

Providing outrageously good client service will make you stand out and memorable. Why? Because most service providers do not! Take the time to create a system for "WOW" client service and then don't forget to follow it. This one marketing weapon is worth mega dollars. Go out of your way to go the extra mile. The reward will not only be a client for life, but referrals too.

12. Testimonials/Brag Book

You're probably asking yourself who does this? Exactly the point - you should. Create a Brag Book that consists of testimonials, letters of recommendation, descriptions of deals well done and even a list of deals completed. I can tell you few people have this and most clients love looking at them, and it will make a prospect feel like he or she is working with a pro.

13. Publish a Newsletter

This works, and I am proof! Consistently get good information in front of your target audience. Add value by providing information that would be of interest to your readers. Send it monthly, bi-weekly or even quarterly. For those that don't know how to do this, I will be offering a free class coming up soon and I will give you the step-by-step process!

14. Host Teleseminars

This idea came to me last week. I realized how cool it would be for you to host a teleseminar (a group call lead by you on a specific topic). For example, 7 Steps Leasing an Industrial Space. Or, Don't Get Caught in a Bad Location - 5 Strategies for Site Selection.

15. Have a Marketing Calendar

This simply means you map out in the beginning of the year or at the very least on a monthly basis, all marketing action steps you intend to take, the date (s) they will be taken, and the desired result. This can be written in a calendar, made as a spreadsheet or whatever. The point is to plan ahead and then follow through.

16. Post on e-bulletin boards

Although I have never carried out this particular marketing weapon, it is my understanding it can be quite effective. Just Google bulletin boards in your target market and begin answering the questions posted. This will then make you "the expert" (see #9). Prospects who participate in these types of informational exchanges will begin seeking you out - I promise.

17. Write a Free Report

Add value always. Your clients and prospects will profit by receiving a free report from you loaded with useful information. An example is "10 ways to Profit From Purchasing Your Own Building"; or, "7 Strategies to Choosing The Perfect Retail Location". At the end, add a paragraph on the benefits of using you to assist them in their needs. (Hint: make it all about them.)

18. Be an Expert

This is a no-brainer! Everybody wants to work with an expert. List 10 ways you can become known as an expert in your niche and then start checking each one off as you accomplish it, and before you know it, you will be "the expert!"

Cindy Saxman Spivack, Founder and President of Business Coaching Gym, Inc. and Commercial Real Estate Success, teaches Commercial Real Estate Professionals 7 Key Strategies for building an enormously successful commercial real estate business in 12 months or less. For free how-to-articles and powerful lead generation and time management tips go to Cindy's website at or email her at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is proven to be one of the most important aspects of internet marketing and search engine optimization as it provides online users what they truly need - information and make your website more valuable to eyes of search engines. That is why it is currently the number one marketing and product promotional tool that is being used by millions of online entrepreneurs and marketers worldwide.

Here are the 5 new steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer useful information. In order to generate the right kind of attention online, your articles must contain information that will be truly appreciated by your readers. These can be potential solutions to their pressing issues, information that will help them understand their current situation or their areas of interest, or answers to their burning questions. When you are able to help you readers through your content, you can be assured that they will trust you and treat you as someone who is very knowledgeable on your chosen niche. This can promote customer trust and loyalty.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. You might have heard this before, but I'll say it again. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. Thus, you must strive to boost the number of your articles so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links and strengthen your online presence by giving your readers more quality information.

3. Consider your readers. This is one of the most important elements that can guarantee you success in this marketing tool. You have to consistently keep your readers in mind when writing your content. Strive to give them everything they want so you can easily convert them to potential clients. Offer them the information they need, write your articles using their own language and preferred terms, and connect them to your content.

4. Avoid making your articles sound like sales letter. Instead of giving your readers blatant ads, which can be downright annoying, strive to give your readers the information they need and save your sales pitches for your resource box.

5. Proofread and revise. Check the general flow of your articles and make sure that they are focused and coherent. Eliminate grammar, spelling, and factual errors to give your potential clients great reading experience. In addition, strike out fillers and fancy words that can make your articles confusing and lengthy.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

A lot of webmasters and online entrepreneur prefer using article marketing as their primary product promotional and marketing tool because aside from the fact that is it cost-effective, it is also hassle-free to use and it never fails to deliver great results. Currently, it is considered as the best free internet tool not only in positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche but also in augmenting your websites traffic and improving your page ranking.

Here are the latest 4 popular secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Build rapport with your readers. As you know, one of you main objectives in writing and publishing your articles online is to build rapport with your readers so they will trust you and consider doing business with you. This can easily be done by writing in a conversational tone, connecting your readers to your content, and showing empathy whenever appropriate. It would also help to create a compelling author's bio to give your readers a chance to get to know you more on a personal level.

2. Boost the number of your inbound links. If you want to easily get ahead of the pack, you must devise a mechanism that will allow you to explode the number of your articles and submissions so you can gain more backlinks for your website. Some online entrepreneurs hire ghostwriters to do the task for them while others who do not have the budget spend more time writing short articles that are quicker and easier to write.

3. Maximize the use of your resource box. Did you know that most leading article submission sites will allow you to use up to three hyperlinks on your resource box? Take advantage of this so you can easily increase your conversion rate. To make this work for you, use at least two anchor texts using the most popular keywords in your niche and one absolute URL.

4. Strike out sales pitches from your articles. If you think that advertising your products on your articles is the easiest way to connect with your target market, then you are wrong. You have to understand that when people opened and read articles online, they expect to get answer to their questions or solutions to their problems. If you present them a sales letter-like article, they will surely close it and move to the next one that can offer them what they truly need.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

SEO web design is essential for high search engine listings, and the right choice of SEO book can be use to achieve that. There are many SEO books on offer online, but most seem too much alike and appear to provide the same information. The best type of SEO book is one that provides graphic examples of how successful sites have become successful through effective SEO web design.

Search engine optimization is a subject about which very few have a true understanding. It starts with your website, and the way that you arrange your pages into the site as a whole. To most people, SEO is the use of keywords on your site, and I still read webpages and blog postings that promote as many keywords in a web page as possible. If its not the more the merrier, then its the 1% - 3% keyword density fallacy. Follow that and your site will disappear off the listings!

There is too much written online about SEO that too many people take as gospel. Lets dispel a few myths and bring some reality into the whole subject of search engine optimization. Take a look at the term for starters. Search Engine Optimization. What does it mean? Optimize your website for search engines? Why? Surely you should optimize your website to provide the best possible information to anybody who visits it!

And that is what search engines such as Google are now insisting on. It is no longer easy to get high search engine listings without good relevant content. Now, 1% - 3% keyword density is keyword stuffing. In a 700 word article, 7 21 keywords are excessive. Google and the other major search engines look at text relevant to the keyword, rather than repetitions of the keyword, as being good content. Too may repetitions will be punished.

That being so, it also difficult to design web page for a high listing. That is because there are so many web pages with good content: keep in mind that it is individual web pages that are listed and not complete websites. There must be other aspects of modern SEO that are relevant to high listings, but what are they? Well may you ask. That is what many SEO experts that offer their services at high prices online would also like to know.

There are, in fact, certain aspects of your website design that are totally relevant to your listing position, and they have nothing whatsoever to do with the content on each of your pages. This where the right book information can help you if you buy the right book. This type of information is so valuable that nobody is going to give it all away free. Many sites provide a lot of free SEO information that could help you to improve your search engine listing, but only if you are also aware of the other factors that could destroy it.

I have read a lot about Google PageRank, and how you cannot get your web pages listed without a good page rank. Nonsense. I have web pages listed in the 10 on Google that have no Google page rank, at least according to the Google PageRank indicator on the Google Toolbar. Page rank is not necessary, but it helps. However, if you apply other, more important, aspects of search engine optimization to your web pages then PageRank become relatively unimportant.

On the other hand, if you do not apply these SEO techniques, PageRank becomes paramount. It is common sense. Google does not put more emphasis on one aspect of optimization than another, and while external links are important, they are not critical, no matter what you read. Google states that they give a great deal of emphasis to incoming links from other relevant web pages, yet pages can be listed highly without them against stiff opposition.

How is that? It is due to good onsite optimization, and a great deal of thought put into the design of a total website, rather than web pages individually, and the way that onsite links are designed. SEO design is not a matter of believing what theory SEO book information tells you, but of personal experience, unless you are reading the right SEO book.

So get rid of preconceptions and dont believe all that you read. It is easy to get listed on Google in less than 2 days if you know how to do it, and also to get listed in the top 10 in two weeks if you go about it the right way.

So stop bleating and get your head down. Study the subject and dont complain if you fail. Others dont so find out what they do.

Peter doesnt fail, and his websites are listed on Google within 2 days of him finishing them. Find out how on Improved Search Engine Rank where he shows you screenshots of his HTML showing you his website design techniques, and step by step instructions on how to do it yourself. He has several pages in the top 5 on all major search engines.

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Large firms that have fueled the global information technology outsourcing boom and have put developing countries. These such as India and the Philippines on investors' radar screens are getting to be picky, according to a recent study.

We do believe that the boom years for IT outsourcing growth have come and gone, said Brian Tumpowsky in a statement. Buyers are learning to be more selective and strategic in the way they approach outsourcing and, as such, the pace of growth is slowing. Tumpowsky is co-author of the 2006 Global IT Outsourcing Study conducted by Diamond Management and Technology Consultants (DMTC), a Chicago-based IT management consulting firm.

DMTCs study reveals that buyers are still prematurely terminating contracts, and questioning the value of onshore outsourcing. They are also struggling with the basics of determining what to outsource, measuring effectiveness and managing a global pool of resources. Buyers are concerned about contract renegotiations, extensions and terminations to seek additional outsourcing opportunities.

In 2006, 8 percent of offshore buyers said they plan to decrease their levels of outsourcing over the next 12 months. This is compared to DMTC's previous study in 2004 in which none of the buyers said they would decrease the amount of outsourcing they were doing.

Firms are reining in outsourcing for three reasons: either they mistakenly outsourced a process or function that is core to their business and are now bringing those back in; their provider over-promised and under-delivered; or, the complexity of managing and measuring outsourcing projects and relationships overshadowed the benefits.

This however does not signal the death knell for IT outsourcing.

DMTC said the industry is alive and will continue to grow well into the future, although at a slower pace.

The pace of growth has declined significantly over the past several years. In 2004, 86 percent of all buyers told DMTC that they were going to increase their level of offshore outsourcingalbeit at a slower pace than in years past. By 2005, that number had slipped to 70 percent and currently sits at an all-time low of 64 percent.

The good news is, overall, the percentage of buyers satisfied with their IT outsourcing decisions remains quite high, with 71 percent of buyers saying they were happy with their offshore providers. In 2005, the offshore satisfaction rate was only 62 percent.

The study polled hundreds of senior executives mainly based in the United States and Europe and studied industry trends over the past 12 months in the areas of spending, buyer satisfaction, outsourcing impact and leadership of the changing outsourcing market.

Paul Jyron D. Andonaque does link building for AoV Philippines Outsourcing and currently undergoing extensive SEO training under Chris Sandberg. He has been on with his career as a link builder and a webmaster for almost a year yielding satisfactory results for Outsource to the Philippines AoV

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing success is directly proportional to your online business. And to become real time successful out there, you certainly have to take extreme care on how you design your content. Remember, that those who underplay with the content part have already lost enough time and money. Guys, over the gruesome Internet world time are money. You count on every second, and every second gives you some monetary gains.

I list below some of worth noticing tips for making Article marketing success a dream come true over the Internet.

  • As I said earlier, content is the monarch and you have to every reason to give it your due consideration. Make the content dynamic in those business centric articles. Once you do that, you'll surely earn the fruits.
  • Keep the text as crisp and direct as possible. Since, most of the online traffic is not there for judging your creativity. They are surfing with a latent mission, to do business and earn money in minutes. Therefore, if you convey what you want to say in least possible words, you have already made partial success.
  • Mobilize the quality traffic to your business website. Through the postings in popular web directories and giving the links below in the articles, you can direct the prospective audience into real business yielding clients.
  • Article marketing success entails use of innovative content management system as well as niche blog posting tools. Some of these tools such as Plone, CMS made simple, Mambo etc. have the awesome potential to turn your online business into a high success rate.
  • Submit your content in the right and popular web directories. Many times, online marketers are in great hurry and submit the text in wrong directories. As the result the motive is not solved, leading to wastage of resources. What's more, you can go ahead and employ professional marketing services.
These and many give you the first hand information about the online article marketing success. Remember, in the Internet marketing, strategy always works to your benefit, if you have all the tools in place.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you are one of the 98.6% of affiliate members that never make one cent from affiliate sales or make small $5.00, $10.00 commissions, then this article is for you. Even if you are making nice checks, this will interest you.

You really can start to make affiliate sales in 15 minutes with Google Adwords.

Your ads will start appearing with 15 minutes for the keywords you have selected. If this has you scratching your head :o) I don't blame you. I was totally new to Adwords until I read about Chris Carpenter's experience in making $3,405 with just one ad in his very good ebook

You know those ads on the right side of the page of Google's search page? Well those are Adwords. You pay per click with the minimum at .05, which is less than Overture's .10 PPC. Placement of your ad is based on two factors, the Cost Per Click and your ad's Click Through Rate (CTR).

I have set my maximum CPC to .06 and the daily budget $5.00 until I see that the keywords I've selected are working and the affiliate program is making sales. To cut through a lot of learning curve you should find a niche keyword with Good Key Words or Word Tracker. The first is free and the second has a free trial. You can Also get some high paying Adword keywords (some Keywords pay $up to $80 per click!

The other is a software tool, Adword Analyzer.

It will find a list of related keywords, the number of searches per keyword and the number of advertising campaigns per keyword. Boy, do I love this software! I enter a keyword, say, mortgage, and it gives me all of the above in minutes. So you can find high traffic search terms that no one is buying Google Adwords for. Another use is to identify niches that are too competitive to enter. As you can imagine it will save money, time and most importantly find the search terms that you line up an affiliate for and start making money in minutes.

You see, that is the very essence of success with any affiliate program, finding a product that is hot, has little or no competition and developing an ad campaign for it.

The strategy that I use now is to find high paying keywords, buy a domain name with that keyword in it, create a simple landing page, add three Google Adsense ads (they allow up to three per page and don't forget to create Adsense channels for tracking) then I optimize the page with the keyword in the title, spread throughout the body (top, middle and bottom), add articles for content to other pages and create a new Adwords campaign to get some traffic started.

Then I will either buy or request reciprocal links from high relevant websites With PR4 and above. You buy links with PR5 and above for a reasonable amount. Do a search for Then watch my Adsense income build!

Google loves relevant content on your site or sites linking to it.

Another way to get listed in the top 10 or Google is writing articles. This is another article coming soon!

With Google Adwords you can get click-throughs within minutes and if targeted to the right prospect, sales in minutes.

Dan Farrell is the owner of You can get more affiliate marketing articles, tips and e-courses that will show you exactly how to make money online with affiliate programs. Find Out At Affiliate Sales And The Right Tools

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

Remember how YouTube came along and just took over in a such short period of time?

Wouldn't it have been great to be on the ground floor of YouTube?

Now you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what I'm calling YouTube for article writers, authors and entrepreneurs. It's called Free IQ - The Marketplace for Ideas. I just found out about it a few weeks ago and already have several audios, articles e-books up, and will probably have more things up by the time you read this.

Advantages of Free IQ

Brad Fallon and crew have come up with a great idea over at Free IQ. There are several great advantages with Free IQ -

  • You can put up video, audio, and the written word in pdf form.
  • You can offer it for fr'ee AND you can charge for it!
  • And it's still in beta testing so you can get started before it is even launched!
The pdf converter I use is Adobe Acrobat. Now that is a fairly expensive piece of software. The last time I checked in the stores, it was over $300. When I bought mine 3 years ago, I got it on eBay for $82. This is a nice insider tip for you - when you want to buy a piece of software, check eBay first.

You can get a fr'ee pdf converter at

Think about it - you can use video, audio and text to market your services to the world.

I recommend that you check it out.

You can get your fre'e account at Free IQ by going to

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Many people including myself in the internet marketing circle have received promotional email on "10 Day Cash secret" by Neil Shearing. Normally I delete these emails as most of them promote nothing but craps. However, I have a lot of respects for Dr. Neil Shearing. In addition, my favourite guru like Dr. Andy Williams and Michael Campbell endorsed the course too. I decided to give it a try.

In the sales letter, Neil Shearing made $4k in sales with a blog he built in only one hour. I found that the sales letter may be a little misleading as most people will have the impression that he made $4k in commissions when he made only $100. In "10 day cash secret", Neil provides a Wordpress plugin that let you display affiliate product datafeeds. There are also videos and PDF tutorials. These tutorials will teach you how to set up datafeed in Wordpress blog. The system drives traffic from search engine via long tail keywords.

The biggest problem with this system is duplicate contents. The datafeed you are using may be available to other affiliates as well. With the release of this system, it's foreseeable that more affiliates will be using datafeeds. In addition, the Wordpress blog built with this system has no unique contents. It looks like the typical "thin" and spammy affiliate site that is frown upon by Google. With the saturation of datafeed, such site may have problems in ranking and indexing. If you want your site to last, you have to add in unique contents.

In short, "10 Day Cash Secret" may work for you but it is not a long term strategy. In addition, it is also not the best way to make quick cash due to reasons mentioned earlier.

See how I make quick $600 with only one hour work, click here for 10 Day Cash Secret alternative.

Lee John is a guest writer for Internet and Business opportunity review blog