Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I am sure that if you are reading this article then you must probably be looking for ways to increase your links to your web site. Search engines love links and by doing this you will significantly improve your search engine rankings. In this article I would like to share with you my approach as to how I got a large number of links to my web site.

My favourite method of marketing my web site is article marketing. I use this method because it is free and produces leads that convert up to 10 times better than leads from other sources. Using this I have a very stable foundation for my business that allows me to experiment with other methods of advertising my business.

Now this is the approach that I use to get the links to my web site. I will mainly write high quality articles for Ezine Articles. I have found that this directory out pulls the other directories by more than eight hundred percent for generating highly targeted traffic to your web site. It also gets the best response for the distribution of your articles since they are the leader they get more people than any of the other directories to publish your articles. I found out the hard way that I was spending too much time submitting my articles to low quality directories that do not produce much of a response.

So to summarize what I do is I submit most of my quality articles to Ezine Articles and then I will take one article and submit it to another article directory generating more backlinks for my website. I do not submit more than one article to another directory as this will trigger the duplicate filters in the search engines.

Some additional things that I do to generate links on top of this is I contribute a large number of forum postings. I also submit my press release to to the top free press release service Prleap. These additional methods also produce high quality backlinks that will improve your search engine rankings.

Based on the above approach alone I have been able to generate 783 one way links to my web site.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website traffic generation strategy available today. The reason behind this is its capability to drive thousands of visitors to your website instantly as well as on a permanent basis.

It can do this all for free. Then why do people fail using this powerful traffic generation strategy. You can see people hunting for quick traffic generation softwares, instant traffic solutions and a number of ways that can get them instant traffic to their website.

Doing all this they are sure to fail. But why aren't they using this powerful article marketing strategy to its fullest extent? The reason is simple, they are not aware or frightened to perform the exact steps that is required to create and distribute traffic pulling articles.

In this article you will learn the exact steps to create a quality article and distribute it over the net to get permanent incoming links to your website and quality targeted traffic.

People are frightened of doing research. You need quality content to create an article. The first step to create a quality article is to do a thorough research on the topic of your website.

You can easily do this by visiting search engine like google.com and article directories like ezinearticles.com

These sources have the power to give you hundreds if not thousands of pages of information on the topic of your website. Just read few articles out there, generate ideas and from these ideas create your own unique article of around 500 to 600 words.

Arrange your article in point format, create headline, header and footer and attention pulling resource box with a link to your website.

This will make sure to get you a unique piece of article created within an hour.

The next problem writers face is that it is extremely time-consuming to submit articles and spread them on hundreds of websites. The solution is simple.

If you have lots of time but no money then you can research around hundred article directories and submit your articles manually. Once you have researched these directories it should not take you more than a few hours to submit your articles to all these directories.

If you are lacking time but have some money to spend then you can use article submission service and they will make sure to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories on the net.

This will make sure that your article gets maximum exposure and gets you traffic beyond your wildest dreams. Write and submit around five to ten articles every day using the tactics I have shown you above.

If you do this on consistent basis, I am sure you will never ever worry about getting hundreds of targeted visitors to your website on a daily basis purchasing your products and services. Make sure you get started today. You can thank me later.

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Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step FREE Article Marketing and Website Promotion Course.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Is a great way to market yourself on the Internet, drive traffic to your website's, and build your lives.

One of the challenges especially new article writer's face is how to make sure their articles and get picked up. One of the things I teach my students, members, and mentees, are the dozens of small nuances that help you get your articles picked up more often.

Sculpting a great body and your articles

one of the ways to get your articles picked up more often it is to sculpt a really great article body. Here are three tips for sculpting a great article body.

Tip 1 - Make sure you create lots of white space. So many times I see writers just sort of squash their article body all together. When you create white space you give the impression that the article is easily read. This is very important on the Internet because it can be difficult to read online for some people.

Tip 2 - Use bullet points, numbers, lists, laws and rules. Anything that allows you to break up your article body in two separate areas. Bullet points, lists, etc. create bite sized chunks of information that are easily consumed by the reader.

Tip 3 - Use sub headings. A subheading is simply a mini headline used to begin another thought or section of your article. An example would be a subheading I used above when I wrote sculpting a great body and your articles. This lets the reader know a new section is on the way and light tips wine into break the article up, create lots of white space, and gives the impression that this is an easily read article.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

(Continue from Part I) On the internet, content is king. Most contents are informative articles on subject and services that people are looking for. When people have a problem, they don't just go out hand in their credit card to buy a particular product online because of the insecurity and high risk of fraud, people are careful these days.

What they do instead is, they look for vital information by searching online for articles and release that will give them enough information to buy the products that they desire.

When they type their keywords and your article pops up, since your article is discussing their problem, they tend to read what you have written. If they like the information, they check you out through the author resource box to find out more.

Therefore, even though article marketing is boring to write, it is advisable that you learn as much as you can about your home business and products so that you can conveniently write informative and useful articles that people will read and use that to find you online.

Remember that any article posted online will continue to generate website visitors for you every single day for free. So if you are interested for long term traffic, you have to make sure that you implement article marketing in your business.

This will help in growing your downline, making sales of your products and ultimately giving you higher search engine placement so that people will easily find you online when they are searching for information in your market.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There is a lot of talk about article marketing as an effective strategy to bring traffic to your blog or website for free. However, there is often debate about just how many articles it takes to work.

Here are some suggestions to clear up the confusion.

The more the merrier. This is the simple answer to the quantity question. Article marketing is a numbers game. The more individual articles that you have out there, the more chances you have that someone interested in your niche will find it, read it and click on your link. So if you are able to produce ten thousand articles, you will be doing better than the guy who only submits three in a year.

Christopher Knight, operator of EzineArticles.com, the largest free article directory on the web, says that just a few articles can bring traffic, but that the real flow starts to be felt when you get to around 250.

However, like all debates there are some provisos to that. It's not just about quantity. Naturally, no two articles are equal. The very fact that an article has been written and submitted does not mean that it will automatically bring a set number of clicks.

The four key factors that determine the effectiveness of any article are :

  • The niche - some niches generate more interest than others. Making money will always do better than slug farming.
  • The length - long, densely worded articles are less likely to be widely distributed than, short, snappy, bulleted pieces.
  • The quality - a well written and relevant article will gain wider distribution and will probably be read more, which in turn will lead to more click throughs.
  • The resource box - a badly written resource box can ruin a good article's chances of bringing traffic.

Finally, when considering how many articles you should write, you have to take into account your ability and the available time. If you can only fit in your writing late at night or at the weekends, then you are better to produce two or three, well targeted, quality articles per week and build your portfolio steadily, than try to create ten, sub standard pieces that will not get picked up. So in conclusion, yes, article marketing is a numbers game, but don't worry if you haven't got an article factory in your basement. A good writer who conforms to the rules can still beat a prolific hack any day.

If you would like to maximise the results of your article writing, internet marketing and self improvement, you're invited right now to subscribe to my free newsletter : http://www.money-and-mind.com

From - Andrew Grant http://www.money-and-mind.com