Friday, June 27, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is dominating the World Wide Web. Millions of webmasters from all sides of the world are using this technique to either popularize their website or promote their products and services.

As more and more people are taking advantage of this impressive marketing method, the competition in getting the attention of online users has grown stiffer. As a marketer, you must device mechanisms on how you can constantly improve your article marketing strategies so your articles will stand out above the rest.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Titles. The competition begins when online users search for your targeted keywords. When they search content using search engines, they will be presented with numerous articles that are related to the keywords they have keyed in. To give your articles an edge, you must give them titles that are keyword-rich. This will help them get better placement on search page results. However, it not enough that your titles are keyword-rich, they must also be appealing so online users will be enticed to read your articles. Consider your titles as baits that must attract online users at first glance. Let them know what is in store for them when they read your content.

2. Content. Once you have successfully grabbed the attention of online users through your titles, learn how to sustain that attention by making your articles content-rich. Provide the information that your readers are looking for so they will be glued on your article. Keep your content short, concise, and direct to the point by presenting the most important information upfront.

3. Resource box. This is the element that you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your conversion rate. Make it powerful and compelling so it can effectively move your readers to click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Anyone trying to earn a full or second income need to learn how to write a killer article that attract visitors to his bio box and literally force him to click on his link. If you write at least seven articles per week (that's only one per day) and follow these tips, success is almost inevitable.

If your article is interesting then other internet marketers may want to add it to their own website and Ezine publishers may publish your article and the great thing about that is that the link to your website that is in your resource box also gets published.

1. Your title is the most important part of your article as far as being seen by visitors and search engines. You need to write a compelling title with your keywords. I you can, be sure that your keyword is in the first two words of your article.

2. Don't give them all you have yet. You want to be mysterious and leave the article not quite complete so your visitors will have questions unanswered, then they will want to click on your link and visit your website so they can find the rest of the information.

3. Make it easy to read. Most people don't want to read long drawn out articles so if you can sum up what you want with bullet points then your readers will find out very quickly if your information is what they are looking for.

4. Briefly tell your readers what they will get or find if they click on the link to visit your website. Put the effort into having a good resource box as this will determine whether your readers will click through to your site.

These four tips will help you to create killer articles that sell your products or services even when you are not in front of your computer.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

With search engine optimisation on the rise, there are many mind blowing theories that are circulating about what will get you high up in the search engines. From having your keywords in bold font, to having your text as close to the top of a page, along with the famous 3% - 7% keyword density rule, we can scrap them all since it comes down to three basic key points.

1. Keyword Selection

The most important point out of the three is keyword selection. If you end up selecting keywords that do not have any/few searches, then you are simply wasting time by optimising for them. There is no point in being ranked number one for a keyword when there are no searchers for that term. A good place to start is by using keyword research tools such as Wordtracker, Overture Keyword Assistant and Keyword Discovery, to find out what people are typing into search engines. Once you have found those terms, the next step is to work out the level of competition and effort it will take to get a reasonable rank for each term. The best way is to look at the number of competing pages in search engines for each keyword and how many incoming links the top ten websites have (Marketleap link popularity checker is a good tool for that). If you have the knowledge and time, you may want to go for the slightly more competitive keywords.

2. Good On-the-Page and Off-the-Page Structure

For on-the-page factors, making sure that there is a sufficient amount of text based content, title tags and a strong internal linking between all web pages, is a good start. Title tags and content should contain keywords provided that they are not stuffed into the text. For example, if your keyword is dog supplies, this sort of writing should be avoided:

We base our business on dog supplies and have a great range of dog supplies. Check out our latest dog supplies today!

A visitor will be immediately turned off from this sort of writing and will question the credibility of your site. Keywords should be written around the content, not the other way around.

Off-the-page factors relates to reducing code within your web pages (placing code into external files, such as JavaScript and Style Sheets) and having a website design where search engines can index all your content.

3. Incoming Links

Attaining incoming links to your website has become a more heavily relied upon factor in last couple of years. Each incoming link is seen by search engines as a vouch from another site. The more incoming relevant links you have, the more trusted your website becomes by search engines. This does not mean you can simply acquire a bunch of links from any site. Links need to relevant in the sense that the website linking to you has some sort of affiliation with your theme otherwise the links will not benefit you.

Provided you stick to the three basic key points of search engine optimisation, in time you will notice a stronger website presence in the search engines. Whist it can be done on your own if you have the knowledge and time, hiring an SEO agency is one avenue to success if you have the budget. Having said that, time should not be spared in taking advantage of the vast opportunities the internet can bring you and your business.

David Touri works for SEO Sydney, providing search engine placement services and website marketing strategies to companies in Australia and overseas. He is currently working on the Indonesian Girls website.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization remains one of the best ways that you can get free targeted traffic to your website. Usually over 40 percent of people first search on search engines when they are looking for something.

Consequently, this means that you will get very hungry and targeted visitors who are ready to buy your products that you offer on your website. Another advantage of this is that natural listings convert much better than PPC adverts. So if you have not yet achieved the results that you are looking for from PPC I suggest that you spend more time investing in getting organic search engine listings to your website.

The very first step is to do keyword research using popular tools like Keyword Discovery or Wordtracker. This will help you to find high traffic keywords with very little competition. You then will build your content by optimizing for these keywords. Include them once in your title tags and at least once in your body. Also make sure that the rest of your article relates to this. With search engines using latent semantic indexing these days you can get better results by using silo structures.

However, the optimized content on your website accounts for only about ten percent of your search engine results. The main reason that you will get good rankings is that you need a lot of quality one way links pointing to your website.

There are many ways that you can achieve this. First of all build a quality website that people will naturally want to link to. Submit your site to the quality directories like Yahoo and Open Directory. Write articles and submit them to the major directories including a link to your website in your resource box. Post frequently on forums including your signature. Finally, do frequent press releases on major press release sites like Prleap.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Explode Your Email Marketing Results And Opt-in List Size With This Simple Secret

If you'd like to build a big email list of hot, qualified buyers quickly and easily...with little or no hassle, and without spending an arm and a leg, then this article will show you how.

Look, I am a big fan of using audio on a website. Not only is it cheap and fast to produce, but it bonds you with your site visitors and customers in a way no written message can.

And while there are many ways to use audio to make money with your Internet marketing promotions, there is one way almost nobody else uses that, if you use it, can massively grow the size of your email list very quickly.

What is this secret way?

You simply interview the author or creator of your product (and if you are the author, have someone interview you) and then put it up on your site .

And what you do then is provide five to ten minute clips of each of your interviews on your site.

Then, you edit the audio so that following the clips (which should be the best, most interesting and curiosity-building part of the interview), direct the listener to a place on your web site where they can sign up to hear the rest of it.

And all you do from there is capture their name and email and have it automatically direct them to a link where they can hear the rest, or just email them the link.

Either way, people will scramble to listen to your interview.

And if you do it right and tease them enough, they will readily give you their email and name, letting you build your list rapidly.

From there you can now pitch the related product you actually sell.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

So you started doing SEO, to get some keywords ranked at the top of the search engines and get lots of traffic.

First of all Google provides the best customers for your business. Simple because most people use Google since Google provides most accurate results. So focus on getting high rankings in Google. I simple never check where I rank in other search engines.

You need to know how to automate your business, so you don't keep doing all the search engine optimization strategies manually. Once your website is receiving traffic you start making money. That is your ultimate goal.

You can then outsource the tasks you do such as link building, article creation, article submission, forum posting and anything else.

Why you outsource?

If you want to expand your business further, you need to focus on product creation, other marketing methods, copywriting and other things. SEO is just one part of your business. On the other hand if you like to work everyday, and enjoy a four figure income you may want to keep doing what you are doing.

But most people want to increase their income to make five and six figures online. To do that you need to outsource and use software instead of doing everything manually. Once you start making money, you have more cash to invest in these things.

Link builders or any other employer can be found on one of the freelancing websites.

Depends on your needs, you can hire people full time or part time. You save tremendous amounts of time doing this. That is why your business grows, because you work on other things with your available time.

You cannot outsource if you are totally new to seo. You cannot hire a link builder if you do not know what the job of a link builder is. You need to know properly what seo is all about, so you hire the right people and give them to right tasks. Many people put up a website and then hire a so called seo expert. They pay a ton of money and they get scammed, because there are many so called experts who are not experts at all.

So, learnings and experience is required before you can give the job to someone else. There are legitimate seo companies too, but only if you know SEO well, you understand if a company is a scam or genuine company. The price is expensive as well. So it is not an option for a beginner. But once you have money to invest and experience you can find that genuine company and test them out, see if they can bring results and if so you can keep on hiring them.

So seo is what you may need to get a ton of targeted traffic, however do not ignore all the other opportunities to grow your business once you start making some money. There is no need to keep doing seo until you retire.

Do you want to make automatic link exchanges or find and get them manually? If you want to automate all link building tasks get OutRankSmart today.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

People who have the knack for writing can really make it big online. Aside from creating and selling electronic books, they can easily popularize their websites and drive quality traffic to it by just writing and distributing articles over the internet.

1. Register on leading publishing sites. While you're at it, make sure that you read and fully understand the rules that were set by the publishers. You need to strictly abide by them to increase the chances of your articles being posted online. It would be helpful to jot them down so you can easily remind yourself whenever you are writing your content.

2. Improve your writing skills. If you want to set yourself apart from the rest, you need to possess excellent writing skills. You must be able to communicate your ideas in a very clear yet interesting way. Practice writing everyday and try to work with established writers. Look for valuable tips and techniques online that can easily help you hone your writing skills.

3. Sell your products. Although sales pitches or blatant ads are not permitted by the publishers, you can still create a need for your products by properly building them up. Talk about their benefits, features, and the reasons why online users should take advantage of them.

4. Make your articles easy on the eyes. Reading articles from computer monitor can be straining on the eyes. Help your readers by giving them several white blank spaces. You can do this by using short paragraphs and by using bullet list for your tips, techniques, and step by step procedure.

5. Make your resource box sound compelling and enticing. To easily drive readers to your website, make sure that your resource box in inviting. It must contain an elevator pitch and a strong call to action.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Several months ago, I asked several hundred alternative health practitioners to tell me their most important questions about internet marketing. Two major questions emerged:

1. What exactly is internet marketing and how can it help me?
2. What's the best way to target people on the internet so that they attend my classes, come in for sessions, and buy my products?

Alternative health practitioners such as Rolfers, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Accupuncturists, Feldenkrais Practitioners and the like, have business needs that are similar to the needs of other business. They need more clients and steady income. Most are passionate about their work, interested in growing their practices and creating a sustainable business.

However, unlike many traditional businesses, alternative health practitioners are often practicing a modality that people have not heard of, or do not fully understand. Alternaitve health practitioners need to introduce people not only to a new method but to a new way of thinking, being and acting in the world.

Internet Marketing, in many ways, can be like the various alternative modalities themselves: What internet marketing "is" depends on what you want, what you need and what you are willing to do to get it. The first step is to get an idea of what the possibilities are.

Filling your workshops and building a practice

For one of my business partners the internet provides a way to keep his classes and workshops full. He has a large "permission based" email list to which he mails every 4-6 weeks. In every email he gives away a no-cost bonus, such as worksheet or handout that can be put to immediate use by the people on his list. He will often write about useful research findings related to his field. The end-result? People look forward to reading his emails and his seminars and workshops fill-up months in advance. Can you imagine using the same process to fill your practice?

The key here is relationship. Be helpful and aware of your potential clients' needs and help them whenever you can. They will reward you by trusting you and giving you their business.

Passive Income

Some alternative health practitioners reach a point in their careers where they realize that they want to work less but keep their current income and lifestyle. Is this you? Perhaps you need some time to write a book or want to take a sabbatical and travel the world?

The problem is that you are in the business of trading your time and skill for money. If you do not work, you do not get paid. It would be useful to ask yourself a new question: "How can I keep making income and sustain my business, without having to work everyday?" This is where the idea of "passive income" comes in.

What is passive income? Passive income is money that comes to you automatically every month, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. Downloadable audio, video and ebooks are a few examples of passive income opportunities. You could sell training and educational materials to your clients and have the system set-up so that the sales, delivery and support is done automatically in the background. In other words, when someone buys a product from you, you don't have to burn a CD, address an envelope, go to the post office or even process a credit card number. The whole process is automated on the internet.

Does Internet marketing sounds complicated or expensive to you?

It can be complicated and it can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Several years ago you would have needed a web programmer, graphic designer, recording studio and more. Now, all that you need is the right strategy and the ability to use a web browser and email.

For instance, blogs and basic websites can be created for no-cost and don't require any programming skills. There are ecommerce systems that can be set-up in less than 5 minutes and allow you to upload and sell products online for $5.00 per month. You can collect credit card payments without needing a merchant account. Email collection forms are pre-programmed in many web-based customer contact services (called auto-responders). And if you still feel that you want a website designer or some other help, you can hire one in India for $5 - $10 per hour. Several independent companies will let you post your projects and have people bid on them.


Take a deep breath, relax, and begin exploring. Use google to find the web-based businesses of people in your field. See what they are doing. When you are ready, consider joining marketing email lists or forums that interest you. Some marketing email lists will send you a useful message every month and give you no-cost resources for learning how to make money online. And if you don't like the information, you can always cancel and join another. Remember: You are in control.

Ryan C. Nagy, M.A. is a Feldenkrais Practitioner and Marketing Consultant, who co-owns, The Web Whisperers, with Bill O'Hanlon, M.S. Come see Ryan at The Web Whisperers Blog or Ryan's Internet Marketing Blog You may want to listen to his podcast at Feldenkrais Podcast

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

It's your job to provide your readers with profound information if you're going to have any success online with article marketing or anything else online today.

I'd like to offer you a fast condensed, brief crash course on article marketing and writing and quickly demonstrate to you how these little "viral cash generating machines" can quickly increase your traffic and sales.

Stay focused on your niche topic and provide useful information and you will have mind-blowing results...

Here are 7 very effective strategies for explosive article marketing:

1. Quality is most important! Do your research and write your marketing articles to educate your readers.

2. Folks like it when you're specific... so give them specifics. Offer links to additional resources if needed.

3. Use popular search engines like Google and Yahoo to read over similar articles and find websites focused on your subject to research your topic.

IMPORTANT: There's nothing illegal or unethical about using information you've discovered from another article or website to create an article of your very own. Just remember -- NEVER copy someone else's work word for word. This is copyright infringement. You can take notes from an informative article you've read and use that information to write your own article just as long as you put things into your own words.

4. List everything you already know about this subject in an easy to reference list.

5. Next, go to Google and do a few searches on the topic. I'm sure you'll find several listings related to the subject. Yes, you might have to be clever in your search, but rest assured -- you'll find the info if you dig deep enough.

6. Then, read over the best of those articles and websites you find and make yourself an ultra-resourceful list on your topic.

7. Finally, take your notes and construct your own marketing article in a simple, easy to read format.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Not everyone knows the value of the internet as a business and marketing tool, but they should. The internet has become a huge part of our lives and the lives of our consumers, and like it or not, that is not something that is going to change anytime soon. The internet has become the place to do business and to supplement the income/information available from a brick and mortar store. Even the tiniest shop owners are catching on to the idea of web sites and Enewsletters, and you should be, too.

Of course, having a web site isnt enough of a reason for people to want to buy from you. There should be plenty of content to keep your potential customers entertained and informed so that the chance that they will become actual customers only rises. This includes interesting information about your company and what you do, information about the products, and even articles relevant to your target market.

Selling the best baby bottle ever? Have an article or three on breast pumps, first-time mothers, or getting Daddy involved in feeding. Selling horse feed? Inform your customers about the best methods for grooming a show horse or the best way to grow feed. Keeping your customer interested will ensure that they bookmark your site and return again, hopefully making a purchase in the process.

To make those articles work double-duty for you, they should be written to attract the attention of search engines to place your web site higher in the rankings. How much more likely is it that customers will find your site if it is on the first page versus the third? The answer is that most people never even look past the first page of results.

Drawing people to your web site means drawing potential customers to your product. In the writing and internet worlds, these special articles are known as SEO, which is an acronym for Search Engine Optimized. These SEO articles are packed full of your keywords so that search engines rank your web site as extremely relevant.

You might think that anyone can write an SEO article, and to some extent that is true. You could probably come up with a page long article that mentions horse feed twelve times, but would it be interesting to read or relevant to your customers? Sure, youve attracted the search engines, but if customers roll their eyes at your obvious attempts to snag them, they are unlikely to explore the rest of your site.

The solution is to outsource writing for your web site to experienced writers. A good writer should be able to write an interesting and relevant article with up to a five percent keyword density. This means that up to five percent of the words in the article are your chosen key word. In other words, your word is used five times out of every one hundred words. That may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that in a five percent density keyword article, this current paragraph would have used your keyword five times, both naturally and efficiently.

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you are outsourcing. The best advice we can think of is that if the price is incredibly low, the quality likely is, too. Best to spend a little more for great work than to settle for something your child could write. A second guideline deals with the density a good SEO article can be done with as little as one or two percent density for a single keyword. More can often mean better, but more than five percent and it becomes almost impossible to include the word without sounding artificial. Also, the more words in your key phrase, the less dense your article should be. (A five percent density of a five word keyword means that a full quarter of each paragraph is made up of your keywords, leaving little to no room for anything else.)

For a good writer, you dont even need to come up with a title or theme! Hand them a few key words and ask for three articles of a certain word length (400-600 words is average) and prepare to be amazed at what you get back. Not only will your business climb the search engine ranks, it will also boom with interested new business.

-Ben Anton 2007

We invite you to read more about web site search engines optimization at Mad Fish Info's home page. Located in beautiful Portland, Oregon, Mad Fish Info, is a Search Engine Marketing firm, specializing in getting web sites a top listing across all search engines.

What Are The BEST Free Website Promotion Tools?

At this very minute you're actually looking at the best free website promotion tools available. It's articles.

Writing articles is a brilliant FREE way to attract highly targeted visitors to your site. It is also a great way to gain high Page Ranked backlinks, which the search engines love and need to see in order for you to one day get Page Rank yourself.

To me, free website promotion tools should obviously cost nothing, but unlike other marketing methods that come with no price tag, article writing and article marketing (done perfectly) is a tremendously EFFECTIVE way of doing business.

Think about it. You write an article. Free.

You send it to article directories. Free.

It being in those article directories gets you one way back links. Free.

And your article has the potential to be picked up by webmasters across the globe and put into their ezines and possibly shown to an audience of millions. Free.

All this with free website promotion tools THAT work like crazy.

Now in your quest to find the FULL list of these free website promotion tools, you will be tempted by many other marketing options. By all means check each and every one of them out. (But only the free ones!) Give yourself some time to see what works and what doesn't. As you're doing so...write one article. One. And submit it here.

By writing that one article, and by making sure you put your keyword in the title. And by making sure you also put that keyword in the article two times or three times (no more than that) your little 250 words article will get you a GUARANTEED HIGH PR BACK LINK...for free and has the POTENTIAL of bringing you a huge audience...for free.

My overall opinion is this: you have to put articles into your free website promotion tools toolbox! You just have to!

To learn exactly how you can harness the awesome power of article marketing, visit

And if you'd like to read the reviews of the internet programs that have allowed me to work online FULL TIME from home, visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Perhaps you have just created a web page and you have found that it is not creating enough hits that you thought it would have created by now. This may be because you are not using enough SEO scripts on your web page.

When you using Search Engine Optimization you will want to have about 5% of 250 words in your article focused on the keyword. The keyword would be what you are wanting to search engine to find on your website. You will have to find the time to calculate how much keyword density is used throughout your site, you can do this easily by finding a keyword density calculator, or maybe you could do this by looks.

If you are not able to include the exact phrase in part of your text you will at least want to try and aim to get the word close to what your keyword is. Your keywords will not be picked up at all if you dont at least aim close to it. Try not to bury your keyword text at the bottom of your page as well, always try to include it in the top and also, when you are using the keyword try not to use it TOO many times in your text, this can create a negative effect from what you are looking for.

Keywords are the main source when it comes to the text on your web page being found more often in a website. If you are looking for your web page counter to rack up in hits then you may want to try SEO and put a lot of those keywords on your page. Also remember that when you are focusing on your SEO you may be taking the time away from your regular web page usability, so watch out and keep your web page up to date as well.

Written by Ross Jonson. Find the latest information on SEO as well as a Web Design Agency.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Writing and publishing articles on various submission site proves to be the most cost-effective and efficient way not only in positioning yourself as a great source of information over the internet, but also in making your website highly visible on searches by obtaining numerous links.

Here are the 5 powerful secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Promote specific product on your articles. If you are offering various product lines, you would want to concentrate on one product per article. This is to make sure that your content is specific and focused on one central topic. Doing so will greatly lessen the chances of you confusing your readers.

2. Give your articles no-nonsense titles. Your headlines are your sole keys in convincing your potential readers that you actually have valuable information to share. It greatly helps if you can write titles that are not only direct to the point but also highly descriptive on what kind of information your articles contain.

3. Distribute your articles on all possible avenues. Aside for article submission sites, you can also submit your articles to your own website, blog, forums, and wikis. This is the best way to widely distribute your articles so they can easily be picked up by interested publishers who are constantly looking for content-rich articles.

4. Keep your articles short. Based on researches, articles that run 300-500 words are preferred by most online users. So, it follows that if you would like to increase your clickthrough rates, make sure that your articles are within the mentioned word count.

5. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more quality inbound links you obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to explode your article marketing effort, you must effectively devise a plan on how you can augment the number of your articles and submissions.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

When you build are first starting out building your list, you need to be able to add as many new and fresh subscribers as quickly possible. Using the tips that follow should put you on the road to massive list building and give you the best possible results for your efforts.

Tip #1 - One of the best kept secrets to massive list building is purchasing subscribers. This is also called "co-registration".

What you do is place a small powerful ad for your ezine or newsletter along with other similar ads by other publishers. Visitors then have the choice to check a box if they like your ad and subscribe to your list. This is a very powerful way to build a massive list very quickly.

If you want to use this method of list building, then I suggest you check out "" and read through their website.

Tip #2 - Another massive list building technique that is often not taught but used by many successful online business owners is to buy a list of compiled leads.

This is another variation of "co-registration" but instead of actually subscribing directly to your newsletter, these leads have signed up to receive information on a variety of topics. You then take the lead list, upload it to your autoresponder and send them valid information and offers.

You can find lead vendors who sell fresh, affordable, lead lists on many topics. Normally these leads will be around one day, to thirty days old. If you can get them when they are fresh, you have a better chance of success.

For a listing of lead vendors, just use Google and type in the word "leads" or whatever your niche is then follow it with the word "leads".

Tip #3 - You can join in a "lead co-op" where you and others split the cost of the leads or subscribers and then each of you also get to use the leads.

This is a very powerful massive list building method and can add subscribers and leads to your list within days. Try and find two or three other people who are in your niche and split the costs of getting a batch of leads.

This way you build your list and do it for a fraction of the actual cost.

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