Friday, July 4, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is the one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. It's easy and free to do. But how can you get tons of traffic to your website? To get tons of traffic to your website, you should be working on your articles and how to market them. There are some simple ways that you can do it, and I hope that you use them in the guide shown below!

Article marketing traffic exploded

  • By going to different blogs about your articles niche and start networking with them, you can easily get a higher page ranking with your articles and get people to look at your articles more. The key to this tactic is to not piss off the bloggers about telling them that they should use your article. Just simply telling them that they should put your articles onto their blog will not work. You have to network with them and build a relationship with them. Don't just drop a comment and leave. That just pisses off the blogger, and your not going to get very good feedback.
  • Signing up with newsletters and networking with the owners is a viable way to get a higher page ranking for your article to increase your web traffic. Newsletters get sent to their mailing lists to a mass of people. If you can network with the owner of the newsletter, and get them to look at your article, they will gladly put your article into their newsletter content. Now your article will get linked to more than hundreds of people in your niche who trust that newsletter.
  • Writing tons of articles regularly is the key to article marketing. By simply writing 10 articles a day, your web traffic will increase significantly and quickly. To put it simply, the more articles that you write, the more publicity that your website gets. Also, search engines love articles, so by simply putting the link to your website into your articles signature, your websites page ranking will slowly increase. If you write more than 300 articles, that means you have more than 300 inbound links to your website!

Article marketing is a viable way to get tons of repeating traffic to your website, and should be used to your advantage. By using these simple tactics, your articles will soon soar and your web traffic will increase by hundreds!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You too can fail at article marketing! It's true! It's easy to fail, and your profits and traffic will shrink! All you have to do is simply follow these 6 easy to use steps. If you use these steps, I assure you, your article marketing will fail! I promise.

How to fail at article marketing in 6 easy steps

  1. By not putting bullet points or by not breaking up your articles in paragraphs, your readers will hate your article. This is a good and easy way to fail. All you have to do is just write without pressing the enter button or by not pressing the list button. Readers don't like to read long and annoying paragraphs, so this is an easy way for you to fail at article marketing.
  2. Putting too many grammatical errors can get your readers to quickly click out of your article. Be lazy and don't take the time to press the spell check button! You can loose tons of traffic and destroy your reputation by doing this. So implement it into your article marketing quickly!
  3. Choose the keywords that are most unrelated to your article or that have the fewest amount of search volume, this can make your article views lower. Just choose the worst working keywords, and your article views will amount to zero or less. It's as simple as that.
  4. Don't put your keyword in the first three words of your articles title! You'll get a higher page ranking, and you don't want that!
  5. Put tons of links in your resource box. It will look unprofessional and sloppy. This way, readers won't even click on your link! For even fewer amounts of link clicks, write a really long resource box. At least 15% of your articles length should be good enough, or about a paragraph.
  6. Make your articles long. Try to get over 600 words. Readers may dislike it when your articles are long! This will get them to click out of your article very quickly!
These simple to use article marketing failing strategies are promised to get you to fail in a week or less! Try them out, they are easy to do, and you can see the worst results you can ever see!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Writing and publishing articles on various submission site proves to be the most cost-effective and efficient way not only in positioning yourself as a great source of information over the internet, but also in making your website highly visible on searches by obtaining numerous links.

Here are the 5 powerful secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Promote specific product on your articles. If you are offering various product lines, you would want to concentrate on one product per article. This is to make sure that your content is specific and focused on one central topic. Doing so will greatly lessen the chances of you confusing your readers.

2. Give your articles no-nonsense titles. Your headlines are your sole keys in convincing your potential readers that you actually have valuable information to share. It greatly helps if you can write titles that are not only direct to the point but also highly descriptive on what kind of information your articles contain.

3. Distribute your articles on all possible avenues. Aside for article submission sites, you can also submit your articles to your own website, blog, forums, and wikis. This is the best way to widely distribute your articles so they can easily be picked up by interested publishers who are constantly looking for content-rich articles.

4. Keep your articles short. Based on researches, articles that run 300-500 words are preferred by most online users. So, it follows that if you would like to increase your clickthrough rates, make sure that your articles are within the mentioned word count.

5. Multiply the number of your articles. The more articles you write, the more quality inbound links you obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to explode your article marketing effort, you must effectively devise a plan on how you can augment the number of your articles and submissions.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I have tried everything from putting ads into my books, to having great links listed but the response from my readers has been minimal at best. Through experimentation, reading, attending talks and seminars, I gradually began putting together a system that gives me a larger opt-in response from my printed materials. This idea is not new but it does need to be done on a consistent basis.

For each book I write, I write for a specific audience and therefore want to have a unique URL. My books are laced with links to get free items that are related to the book material and hopefully what I write is so enticing, the reader will take the time to go to the website and enter their email information to get the gift.

But simply having links for free information is not enough, I add other goodies to the mix in the footer of the book such as a free 7 day course on writing skills, or marketing books. Since the footer appears on every page, the reader will eventually look at it and perhaps respond. But do not stop there, you are after that name on your list so you can continually market and upsell other products. Add third party offers throughout the book as well (you should be an affiliate of the third party offer so you make additional money). The third party offers should also be driven to your URL or to another one you have created specifically for that product. There is no harm in having multiple websites that each offer one specific product - you never know what people will decide is best for them.

There is one word of caution here, you have to make sure that what you are offering is beyond all expectations. If it is, then the upsell to additional higher priced products and services will become easier because the customer knows that you deliver on your promise and beyond and they know they will not be disappointed.

If you are not ready for this approach - start with a book, lace it with incentives to drive customers back to your website, and have a prominent way to collect email opt-in information. After the book, start productizing with audio programs, workbooks, DVDs etc. It is not difficult, you just need a system that works for you and a system that keeps you on track to complete the work.

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. is a speaker, author (over 170 books, articles, and publications), and consultant. She has provided marketing, sales, business development and training expertise for companies such as Peet's Coffee & Tea, Varian Medical Systems, Accenture, Avaya, Cisco Systems to name a few. Dr. Daoust has also done extensive work with small businesses in developing their marketing, training, and operational plans. You may contact Dr. Daoust at You may also view her latest publications at Dr. Daoust also writes for the National Networker

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Once your site is in place you are faced with several challenges that are going to affect not only how long your business lasts, but also how effectively you will be able to promote and market your product or service to a broad, narrow or specific audience.

The web today is a lot like popular competitions. The owners love their widgets, they dress them up, enhance their skill for the talent competition and travel all over to make sure that their widget is in the running for a really big prize. The key in this phase, probably the phase you are now in, is that it begins with tremendous passion for your product or service. You know what you are selling intimately. You either have been doing it for someone else for years, been working on the idea of starting something that will allow you to make your own hours, or want to share something great. But, what happens when your passion is actually out there and you haven't got a resource bank to put power it.

Think of a sail boat. They are so beautiful. You always see pictures of these beautiful boats and smiling people with a happy guy at the helm. If you love the sun, water, adventure, this is a wonderful picture and makes you really want to be there. But, what happens when there's no wind? Unless sitting in the middle of the ocean sharing the last can of beans is your plan (which we know isn't), you're going to need some gas in your engine to cruise into a port until the wind comes up. So let's talk about the first two steps in making sure you always have some gas.

Product and Service Growth List

You already know that your website is more than loving your product or service and knowing that it will be beneficial to others, or posting some articles about your product on your website, using the marketing features once and then waiting for the multitudes to arrive. The web is a constantly evolving medium so marketing and maintenance must be a continual evolving effort for you to stay alive in this market. If your goal is to have a constant flow of traffic that includes both new and return customers then posting information or updates at unscheduled intervals or not maintaining your site is not going to result in a thriving business. Without a lot of time, effort and some excellent resources to bounce ideas around with, enhance your marketing strategy and provide you with honest feed back, you're going to be in a leaky boat really fast. So first, take a moment to make a growth list.

Your growth list is what you currently have in place-Website, basic marketing package, sort of a contact list and anything else that you know is going to need to be updated on a regular basis, the things that will never go away. Next, list the resources you currently have. This would include any packages or pieces of packages that you have only tried once or not used at all.

The next column of your growth list will be "need but don't have." These are those things (skills, products, software) that you don't have but need. Do you know every detail about your product or service but can't write or present it in a way that excites others? If you have a product, is it one that can be easily shared with others? Does your full-time job keep you from having the time to write articles, create ezines or newsletters, or cultivate and grow your market? In the web culture marketing is one of the biggest factors in growing your business effectively.

Once completed, keep your list in a safe place. Review your list often and add to it whenever you have an idea or see something that you might like to explore later. Don't delete anything. Your growth list is a keystone in creating and growing your marketing strategy.

Marketing Resource List

You want to create a list of the resources that you currently have on hand. This list includes people you know who will provide totally honest and unbiased opinions, mentors and tools that you have (even if you have never used them). Be sure to include contact or purchase information for your resources. As your business grows you will continue adding to this list. I have resource books that I morphed from address books purchased from my local market. This list will grow at an astonishing rate if you stick to your action plan.

Resources come in many forms. When I find an excellent book, article or piece of software or happen upon a great website I always put the title, author and other information in my resource book as well as the reason that I'm putting it there. This is especially important for the long term since you will forget in a year or two why you stuck a particular name, book or site on your list and if you haven't made a little note about it's purpose you may have to re-invent the wheel to get information that you already have.

Don't be afraid to contact authors or website owners when you want more information or have a question. Most of us love to write, chat and share information. The few out there who are just trying to solicit customers are pretty easy to spot and if you happen to wind up on an email list you really don't want to be on, you can always block it. For the most part though, when I contact someone with a question they are more than happy to answer the question. Usually I also get some great information that I didn't know I needed and in some cases I make a really good e-friend. Again, be sure to put these in your resource book as well as why you contacted them and what you learned. (You've probably figured out that I have several resource books).

There are many steps to take in growing your new business but the two items discussed above are by far the most important to ensure that you have a successful and growing internet business.

To find out more about building and maintaining a successful website or marketing strategy send me an email or read my other articles.

Copyright Ellen Jackson and Website Maintenance and Marketing
You have permission to use this article freely in any publication as long as you do not alter or change the content and the byline is included as-is. For more information please email me at